We opened to the public December 2016 and still have many projects in the pipeline. Here are a few:
Mist House Construction (300 sq. m) (planning Phase)
This will feature delicate plants such as orchids, ferns, and carnivorous species in a specially designed enclosed environment. By bringing these unique species together we will provide a chance for people to learn about the threats facing them in their natural homes while they enjoy the beautiful display. Designed by our landscaper Khamphart Thongchan our Mist House is awaiting funding to start the construction. Help build the Pha Tad Ke of the future and sponsor a building. For more information on our sponsorship program click here.
Permaculture Demonstration and Research Farm (opened in April 2019)
This area will be used to provide training for visitors and locals alike. We are partnering with a number of organisations to “train trainers” who will travel to other parts of Laos to share their permaculture knowledge. We designed this garden to share our knowledge of organic gardening and growing food crops. It features several crop rotation beds, important starch plants, herbs, compost and small livestock.
A 2,500 alley cropping trial project will be adjoining the farm on the lower slopes of the Pha Tad Ke Mountain.
And in January 2022 we added an Insect Food Farm where we provide trainings to local villagers as a way to reduce insect foraging in the wild, provide yearlong production of Insects for food in self sustainable breeding cycles to improve nutritional value to their diet as well as provide additional revenues from sales.
With support from various organisations like amongst others: Child’s Dream, IDEP, Permatil in Bali and grants from UNDP/GEF, Australian Embassy DAP, GDG/Spellbrook Foundation, CEGGA Program GIZ and BAFII/World Bank we have been able to research, publish Lao Language training manuals and implement trainings for local villagers.
Ex-situ conservation of rare endemic trees
We are working with local, regional and international partners such as ACTG to conserve critically endangered Dipterocarpaceae and Fagaceae tree species. Our current focus is on surveying and understanding these trees in Laos. Over the next few years with the support from BGCI, ArbNet and Franklinia Foundation we will do nursery trials and create a space for them to grow at PTK so everyone will be able to enjoy them.
We have secured funding to realise a project to conserve these endangered tree species, through habitat survey, seed collecting and propagating to maintain a living collection of these special trees and make them available for in situ reintroduction programs.
Project Space @ Pha Tad Ke
We are at a time in history where more than ever nature’s balance is disturbed by mankind and a true spiritual and cultural transformation is necessary because we cannot continue to use nature as an unlimited resource. Our role as a botanical garden is to build and implement the necessary understanding and tools for biodiversity conservation and the natural setting of Pha Tad Ke Botanical Garden encourages contemplation, stimulation, and creativity. We believe that Art and Culture take a central place in our work to help with this holistic consciousness shift towards a more liveable world.
End 2019 we started the construction of our new Project Space in the gardens in beautifully restored old wooden Lue Houses. We completed 90% of the construction of the first two buildings but with the arrival of covid we had to halt the construction and are now looking for funds to continue this activity. For more information contact directly Rik Gadella.